Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Los Dreamers y su situación migratoria especial

Los Dreamers y su situacià ³n migratoria especial Uno de los asuntos ms debatidos en materia migratoria es el futuro de los muchachos  denominados Dreamers o soà ±adores. Pero,  ¿quià ©nes son estos jà ³venes y quà © derechos migratorios tienen y cules son los proyectos de ley? Adems, se explica cules son los efectos y las fechas a tener en cuenta con la decisià ³n del presidente Trump de poner fin al programa DACA y cules son las bases de la demanda presentada por 15 estados para paralizar en corte la decisià ³n del gobierno federal. Situacià ³n legal actual El 5 de septiembre de 2017 el Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos, el seà ±or Jeff Sessions, ha anunciado el fin del programa conocido como Accià ³n Diferida o DACA que protegà ­a a los Dreamers frente a la Deportacià ³n y les reconocà ­a la posibilidad de sacar un permiso de trabajo renovable cada 2 aà ±os. Esta proteccià ³n fue creada por orden ejecutiva del presidente Barack Obama en 2012 y que en 5 aà ±os protegià ³ a ms de 800 mil jà ³venes de la deportacià ³n, adems de permitirles otros alivios. El anuncio del seà ±or Sessions NO supone el fin inmediato de DACA, sino que: El programa finalizar con fecha de 5 de marzo de 2018. Mientras tanto, los permisos de trabajo siguen vlidos y los Dreamers con Accià ³n Diferida aprobada estn protegidos frente a posible deportacià ³n.Desde ya NO se admiten solicitudes nuevas para acogerse a este programaSi se tiene  DACA aprobada  y  expira antes del 5 de marzo del 2018 o ese dà ­a, entonces se puede pedir una renovacià ³n, aunque hacerlo antes del 5 de octubre de 2017.Los permisos de trabajo y la proteccià ³n frente a la deportacià ³n otorgada por la accià ³n diferida, todo parece indicar, irn venciendo en la fecha prevista en cada caso. Por ejemplo, si vence con fecha del 6 de julio de 2019, es vlida mientras no llegue ese dà ­a.  Si se tiene aprobado con fecha anterior al 5 de septiembre de 2017 un permiso de advance parole para viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos, entonces se puede viajar. Sin embargo, como este es un asunto muy delicado, se recomienda consultarlo con un abogado o con una organiz acià ³n de apoyo a Dreamers y en caso de duda, no viajar. Si se presentà ³ la solicitud para el advance parole pero todavà ­a no hay respuesta, el USCIS  no lo tramitar pero sà ­ regresar el importe pagado en concepto de cuota.A partir del 5 de septiembre del 2017 no se pueden presentar solicitudes nuevas de advance parole para viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos. En principio  llegado el 5 de marzo  de 2018 los Dreamers podrà ­an  haber comenzado a ser deportados y sus permisos de trabajos dejarà ­an de ser vlidos en las fechas en ellos consignadas. Sin embargo, eso se ha paralizado por orden de una sentencia judicial. Por ahora, los Dreamers que han tenido la accià ³n diferida aprobada pueden seguir solicitando su renovacià ³n. Sin embargo, no pueden salir de Estados Unidos, ni siquiera con advance parole, ni se pueden pedir acciones diferidas nuevas. Demanda de los estados en contra de la decisià ³n de finalizar DACA 15  estados y el Distrito de Columbia  se han sumado para presentar una  demanda  en contra del gobierno federal por la decisià ³n de Trump de finalizar el programa DACA. La demanda, que ha sido presentada en el Distrito Eastern  del estado de Nueva York, est liderada por el fiscal general de ese estado y la de Massachusetts. Adems, se han unido los de Carolina del Norte, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa,  Nuevo Mà ©xico, Oregà ³n, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington y el Distrito de Columbia. Los estados argumentan que la decisià ³n de Trump de finalizar DACA tiene 4 problemas desde el punto de vista legal. Por una parte,  violarà ­a en dos ocasiones la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo. Adems, por otra parte violarà ­a 2 tipos de protecciones otorgadas por la Constitucià ³n: al  debido  proceso y a la igualdad ante la ley.   Este à ºltimo punto se basa en que la decisià ³n de Trump tiene por objeto perjudicar a un grupo de personas por razones de su origen, ya que cuatro de cada cinco muchachos beneficiados por DACA son  mexicanos o centroamericanos. Se espera una ardua batalla legal en Corte. Propuesta de ley en el Senado Segà ºn el proyecto de ley liderado por los senadores Graham (republicano de Carolina del Sur) y Durbin (demà ³crata de Illinois) los Dreamers podrà ­a sacar la green card si cumplen una serie de requisitos, como por ejemplo, llevar 4 aà ±os o ms en Estados Unidos, haber llegado antes de cumplir los 17aà ±os de edad, tener un rà ©cord limpio, pasar un examen de inglà ©s, haber obtenido el tà ­tulo de high school o equivalente y haber trabajado por 3 aà ±os. Por ahora esto es solo un proyecto de ley y para convertirse en ley tendrà ­a que ser aprobado en la Cmara de Representantes y en el Senado. Esta iniciativa se presentà ³ poco despuà ©s de que el congresista  congresista Luis Gutià ©rrez, tras reunirse con otros miembros del causus Hispano con el Secretario de Seguridad Interna el seà ±or John Kelly, afirmase que tanto los Dreamers como los beneficiarios de los que se conoce como TPS deben prepararse para lo peor. El congresista Gutià ©rrez apuntà ³Ã‚  a la posibilidad real de que tanto el programa DACA para Dreamers como el TPS puedan finalizar, dando paso a deportaciones masivas. Quià ©nes son los muchachos conocidos como Dreamer y en quà © consiste DACA Los Dreamers son aproximadamente 2.1 millones de indocumentados que llegaron a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os.   Aproximadamente 800  mil  Dreamers se han beneficiado de la accià ³n diferida ordenada el 15 de junio de 2012 por el presidente Obama. Los que tienen este beneficio aprobado: No son  deportadospueden solicitar permiso de trabajo por dos aà ±os, renovable.pueden pedir un Nà ºmero del Seguro Socialpueden sacar la licencia de manejar Para poder acogerse a este beneficio de la accià ³n diferida (DACA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) hay que cumplir con una serie de requisitos de edad, estancia en Estados Unidos, estudios o servicio en el Ejà ©rcito y no tener rà ©cord penal. Cada dos aà ±os deben renovar DACA para conservar sus beneficios. Asesorà ­a migratoria Estas 13 organizaciones para asesorarse sobre todos los temas que tienen que ver con DACA. Tambià ©n destacar, entre muchas, 2 pginas webs que conviene seguir como como son My Undocumented Live y United We Dream ya que siempre estn a lo à ºltimo en este asunto. Esta à ºltima organizacià ³n es tambià ©n muy combativa defendiendo los derechos de los Dreamers. Otro telà ©fono interesante para buscar asesoramiento es el de la Hispanic Federation, que aunque est basada en Nueva York puede proporcionar ayuda y/o buenas referencias en otros estados. El telà ©fono es el 866-432-9832. Asimismo, y dado el clima actual de incertidumbre, lo ms aconsejable es asesorarse con abogados competentes o asociacià ³n de apoyo a migrantes, particularmente a Dreamers, sobre si existe alguna posibilidad real de regularizacià ³n de la situacià ³n.  Los  caminos para la legalizacià ³n  no son muchos, pero en algunos casos es posible.   Al mismo tiempo es fundamental no caer và ­ctima de fraude por parte de personas sin escrà ºpulos que pueden aprovecharse de la desesperacià ³n de las personas. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Actual Yield Definition (Chemistry)

Actual Yield Definition (Chemistry) Actual Yield Definition The actual yield is the quantity of a product that is obtained from a chemical reaction. In contrast, the calculated or theoretical yield  is the amount of product that could be obtained from a reaction if all of the reactant converted to product. Theoretical yield is based on the limiting reactant. Common Misspelling: actual yeild Why Is Actual Yield Different from Theoretical Yield? Usually, the actual yield is lower than the theoretical yield because few reactions truly proceed to completion (i.e., arent 100% efficient) or because not all of the product in a reaction is recovered. For example, if you are recovering a product that is a precipitate, you may lose some product if it doesnt completely fall out of solution. If you filter the solution through filter paper, some product may remain on the filter or make its way through the mesh and wash away. If you rinse the product, a small amount of it may be lost from dissolving in the solvent, even if the product is insoluble in that solvent. Its also possible for the actual yield to be more than the theoretical yield. This tends to occur most often if solvent is still present in the product (incomplete drying), from error weighing the product, or perhaps because an unaccounted substance in the reaction acted as a catalyst or also led to product formation. Another reason for higher yield is that the product is impure, due to the presence of another substance besides the solvent. Actual Yield and Percent Yield The relationship between actual yield and theoretical yield is used to calculate percent yield: percent yields actual yield / theoretical yield x 100%

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New strategic plan summary for CBP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

New strategic plan summary for CBP - Essay Example However, the current enforcement policy presumes that all goods and all travellers are guilty until such time as they prove otherwise. Thus clearance at US borders is based on interrogations and inspections that are quite often unnecessary. In this regard, resources are being wasted on legitimate goods and legitimate travellers when those resources would be better spent inspecting and interrogating unlawful goods, unauthorized travellers and security threats whether in the form of persons or goods. It is also believed that CBP’s community engagement initiatives are far too institutional and does not devote enough resources and time to forging relationships with the community. There is a need for CBP to actively engage members of the community as a means of ensuring that they build a sense of confidence in the CBP’s mission and goals and support it. There is a need to change the current practice of communicating what CBP is doing and what CBP has done or will do in terms of keeping US borders safe. While there is a need to continue to reassure the public via transparency via communication, there is also a need to open up the lines of communication so that CBP gets information from the community. The community provides a rich source of information relative to where illegal immigrants, international criminals and terrorists and contraband originate from and where they go once they enter the US. The strategic plan in this report therefore proposes to reconceptualise customs and border patrol with a view to changing the enforcement-focused approach to border security. While enforcement is always necessary it is not the only method for keeping US borders safe. When time and resources are managed more appropriately US borders will be safer. Thus the strategic plan suggests training officers to identify more accurately travellers and goods that are candidates for quick clearance so that CBP officers can direct their attention to the more serious security risks. Therefore the strategic plan calls for a dual strategy: accommodating legitimate travellers and lawful goods; enforcement and deterrence of unlawful travellers, criminals and terrorists. The strategic plan also calls for training agents and officers to be more capable of recognizing and responding to security threats in instances where travellers or goods are legitimate and should be cleared for entry. There are cases where a traveller has the requisite travel documents but is entering the US for criminal or terrorist reasons. Rather than inspecting all visitors and going on what amounts to a fishing expedition, officers should be specifically trained to know when it is appropriate to interrogate a traveller or conduct a more invasive search of goods. The strategic plan also calls for assigning agents to community relations and this involves maintaining a tip line for receiving anonymous tips from members of the public. It is important that members of the community feel invol ved in the security process as they will be more inclined to cooperate and to share important information with the CBP. Members of the public can help CBP direct its resources properly by providing information about where contraband originates and where criminals and illegals go when they enter the US or how they get to the US when they are not cleared at the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Orientation Problem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Orientation Problem - Assignment Example Therefore, the task is like to either swim or sink to them as they are given any written information about the roots and idea about the assigned location. They do not get any kind of help from the supervisors rather they are berated for delivery time and routes. The delivery time may be long as they are not aware about the assigned due lack of training. The employees try to learn roots by studying maps on the day off but practically it cannot help to them. Again the letter carriers are shifted from one route to another very frequently but they need time to understand the sequence of delivering articles in a particular root. Frequent shifting increases the overall duties of the entire letter careers as none of them cannot learn a particular rout properly. Answer 2 The supervisors should provide two important types of orientation to the new employees i.e. letter carriers at work sites. First is Organization orientation where the supervisor should make them informed brief about the orga nization where they have joined i.e. objective, history, philosophy, mission, procedures, rules and policies. Second types of orientation are unit based orientation where the supervisor should familiarize the new employees about their job activities and work units. The direct supervisor should provide all necessary information to the employees about a particular facility and its personal, assigned area covered by the routes and other written information like employee handbook and union contact etc. Answer 3 The supervisors should be given on job training where they can consequences of their mistakes which leads to overall loss in terms of output of their employees and the decline in performance level. In this training program the superiors will be informed about the efficient strategies followed by leading private carrier organizations. They will train them by visiting the areas through shorter routes in less time. This would motivate them as it would increase the daily output and o verall performance of their supervising units. Another types training is in house training program where they will be trained about motivation strategies which they need to implement on the new employees to understand their problems and difficulties regarding job activities and to increase the individual as well overall performance of work units. The supervisor will be informed about the benefits of basic motivations to the employees will lead to more output than expectance (Nkomo, Fottler & McAfee, 2010, p.174). Answer 4 The supervisor needs to supplement some important written documents to the new letter carriers. These should be only the employee handbook and union contact no but some other important materials which includes information about different employee benefits, no of holidays in a financial year, some copies of certain legal forms, like IRS withholding forms, brief about accident an emergency procedures, key official terms in the US postal service department, alternativ e copies of life and health insurance options, telephone and location directory of the personnel department and other important city offices. Apart from these, detailed explanation of the overall operation of the US Postal Service and mission of the organizations. In this detailed explanation of organizational operation, the job duties and responsibilities of the letter carrier, work

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fly Fishing and Spin Fishing Essay Example for Free

Fly Fishing and Spin Fishing Essay Fly Fishing and Spin Fishing are fishing methods used by hobbyist to catch fish. Both types are considered as Angling. Angling is a type of fishing that uses angles or a hook. Anglers are considered as fishers who have intent on releasing their catch in the water. According to Central Fisheries Board of Ireland (2007), the waters were anglers fish have the rule where catch and release rule are enforced. II. Difference of Fly Fishing and Spin Fishing There are several differences that can be seen between both methods. Fly fishing is a method where artificial flies are used and attached to the hook to imitate naturally occurring food. These artificial flies are tied out of materials such as fur and feather. Spin Fishing is a method where a spin fishing tackle is used to catch fish. a. Rods and Fishing Lines Used According to Flyfishingbasics. com (2007), rods that are used for fly-fishing is generally light and the lines are heavy. The lines are heavy because these provide the weight and momentum for casting. On the other hand, (2007) explains that the rod for spin-fishing is used as a lever to fling the weight of the lure. Comparing both methods, the fly fishing method uses the weight of the line to carry the fly to the fish while the spin fishing uses the weight of the lure to pull the line out of the reel. Casting method for flyfishing is harder as compared to spinfishing according to flysa. com (2007). b. Fishing Equipment Fly Fishing uses a fly rod, a reel and a line. The baits that the fly fishing angler uses are artificial flies. These flies depends on the user of the rod. There are different types of flies. These are streamers, dry flies, wet flies and poppers. Streamers are long and skinny and these flies sink and looks like a baitfish. Dry Flies are flies that float. Wet Flies are flies that sink and lastly, poppers are floating flies that are made out of cork. These flies can be bought from the fishing stores or they can be made using fly tying techniques. Fly Tying is considered as another different type of hobby that is used to make artificial flies. Differentiating spin fishing, this method also has a rod and a reel, however, this method uses live lures. The lures that an angler uses depends on the type of fish that the angler wants to catch. Worms and Insect Larva is used to catch bluegill or sunfish. Worms, nightcrawlers, and stinkbaits are used for Catfish. Minnows and worms are for Crappie. Minnows and nightcrawlers are for Bass. Worms, corn and doughballs are for carp and lastly the trouts are catched using worms and minnows. c. Economic Value Evaluating both methods, Fly fishing is a more expensive method than Spin Fishing. According to Flyfishingbasics. com (2007), a fly rod, reel and line combo costs at around $60 to $120 and flies costs at around $1 to $5 per piece. Spin fishing rod and Reel costs at around $10 to $20 and baits costs at around $1 to $3 per dozen and the prepared baits are from $1. 50 to $4. 50 per dozen. As a conclusion, it seems that spin fishing is more practical as compared to the fly-fishing. Since casting is easier to learn for spin fishing and the baits used for spin fishing is much cheaper than the fly-fishing. It is therefore easier to recommend spin fishing for beginners because it is easier to learn. REFERENCES Central Fisheries Board, 2000. Catch and Release for Atlantic Salmon. Retrieved last October 31, 2007 from Central Fisheries Board of Ireland. Website: http://www. cfb. ie/fishing_in_ireland/CatchandRelease. htm Fly Fishing Basics. 2003. Fly Fishing. Retrieved last October 31, 2007. From Fly Fishing Basics. com. Website: http://www. flyfishingbasics. com/casting. html# Fish South Australia. 1996. Spin Fishing. Retrieved last October 31, 2007 From FishSA. com. Website: http://www. fishsa. com/spinfsng. php

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cash Grants Essay example -- Mexican Government, The Cash Program

Consider the compact of co-responsibility between the government and recipients. What is needed to make the compact work? Progresa had the goal of increasing the basic capabilities of extremely poor people in rural Mexico (Levine, 2007, p.67). Progresa is a program developed by the government of Mexico in 1997, and was implemented by President Ernesto Zedillo. With the help of Santiago Levy who was an economist, Progresa was developed to help break the cycle of poverty in Mexico. In order for the compact to work between the government and the recipients, a change had to take place from the governments’ standpoint. The government came to the realization of what the recipients needed and to provide that for them. Since the government was willing to fund the program to help the recipients, it demanded the recipients’ responsibility towards the program. For the first time, the Government of the Republic set in motion a program that will deal with the causes of poverty in an integral manner (Levine, 2007, p. 67). The recipients would be held accountable for their part in the program. They would be held liable for participating in the program by being responsible and attributing the responsibility of their choices towards the program. The government funded the program financially while the recipients’ responsibility included sending the children to school, getting the children immunized, and making sure their healthcare and nutritional needs were met. What was needed to make the compact work was the union and responsibility of the government and the recipients as a team. Why were the cash grants given to mothers? Do you think this was a good idea or a bad one? What might have been positive and negative consequences of this choice... ...not efficient there can be a greater risk of funds not being used wisely. There would be a need to have precautions set in place to prevent funds from being misused or even the overspending of funds that would be used to distribute to recipients. One way of creating an efficient system â€Å"is to have simple delivery mechanisms. Evidence suggests that small regular, automated payments are less likely to suffer corruption than large, infrequent, discretionary payments. The spread of computerisation will help in this regard, but will be much reinforced by the eventual introduction of personal identity systems, and the registration of births, deaths and marriages†(Farrington,2005). Organization is also a key to being an efficient program. With organization their can possibly be less confusion of how the program is intended to be designed so it can grow towards success.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Organic vs. Inorganic Foods Essay

Introduction Our world today is infested and becoming way more dangerous with all these chemicals. In an effort to increase productivity and confine bigger market shares, the use of fertilizers, pesticides, food additives such as dyes and additives has become so common that artificial ingredients are now outnumbering natural ingredients on many food content labels, and it is the opinion of many experts that this forever increasing use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and chemical additives has a direct connection to the alarming rise in cancer rates and other health problems. (Aldrich, P.1) Organic foods are quickly becoming recognized as a reasonable alternative in this chemical loaded world. The focus on environmentally sound agricultural methods and prolonging agriculture is getting the attention of many who are now concerned about what they’re eating as well as the environment. Organic foods are what is happening. They are becoming a part of many traditional diets, and are viewed as an important and essential part of a healthy diet plan. They are also viewed as a reliable and safe alternative to the issues regarding conventionally grown, processed, and packaged foods. Many organic followers believe that once you’ve tasted organic foods you can’t go back to typically grown foods the taste is unbelievable. People are now looking for good food with real nutrition and quality and they’re finding it in organic foods. The realization of a need for quality food supplies is awakening interest in other areas such as environmental stewardship. These concerns range from recycling your pop cans to selecting environmentally friendly household cleaning products. Learning organics provides many easy and interesting ideas that can help you do your part in preserving a healthy, prosperous environment for the people in your family. Body Eating organic foods is the key feature of the natural passion that is taking over the country. Once an interest, organically grown foods seemed to be a major part of the diet of most people. Now with the growing attention on healthy habits and programs that help prevent illness, organic foods are quickly becoming the vital ingredients of the diet in typical America. Organic foods are the fastest growing style in the food industry. In fact, the demand for organically grown foods has increased 20% over last year. Sales of organic produce, for example, are now a multi-billion dollar industry. (Fisher, P. 22) Shopping the Co op has for a long time been the best place to find organic foods. Now with increased consumer interest organic specialty supermarkets are popping up all over the nation. Major supermarkets are also stepping up to the demand, offering organic food departments and organic options in the produce sections of the store. The look of the co-op is expanding to reflect the needs of added customers, and many gourmet oriented offerings are quickly becoming a part of the every day offerings at the co op, which only helps to make food shopping an increasing interesting and fun experience. As far as costs are concerned, those consumers jumping on the organic bandwagon will pay more for organic foods, but they believe that the benefits far outweigh the 5% to 20% increase in cost. The trend in organic food is growing and as competition increases in order to address skyrocketing customer demand, prices will stabilize. Here are a few of the nutrients that were found in higher levels in the organic foods: OChromium is a micronutrient that is low in Western diets. Its deficiency is associated with the onset of adult diabetes and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Chromium was found to be higher in organic foods by an average of 78%. OSelenium is one of the antioxidant nutrients that protect us from damage by environmental chemicals. It is protective against cancers and heart disease. It was found to be an average of 390% higher in organic foods. OCalcium, needed for strong bones, averaged 63% higher in organics. OBoron, which has been shown to help prevent osteoporosis (along with calcium), averaged 70% more. OLithium, which is used to treat certain types of depression, was 188% higher. OMagnesium, which reduces mortality from heart attacks, keeps muscles from spasming, and eases the symptoms of PMS, averaged 138% more. OIn short, many of the minerals that I most often prescribe to my patients are found in much higher levels in organic foods. ORGANIC VS NON-ORGANIC Variations in Mineral Content in Vegetables. % of dry weightMilliequivalents per 100 gm dry weightTrace Elements parts per million dry matter Ash PhosCalMagnPotassSodBoronMangIronCoppCobalt SNAP BEANS Organic10. 450. 3640. 560. 099. 78. 67360227690. 26 Inorganic4. 040. 2215. 514. 829. 10. 01021030. 00 CABBAGE Organic10. 380. 3860. 043. 6148. 320. 4421394480. 15 Inorganic6. 120. 1817. 515. 653. 70. 872200. 40. 00 LETTUCE Organic24. 180. 4871. 019. 3176. 512. 237169516600. 19 Inorganic7. 010. 2216. 013. 153. 70. 061930. 00 TOMATOES Organic14. 200. 3523. 059. 2148. 36. 536681938530. 63 Inorganic6. 070. 164. 54. 558. 80. 051100. 00 SPINACH Organic28. 560. 5296. 0203. 9257. 069. 5881171584320. 25 Inorganic12. 380. 2747. 546. 984. 60. 8121190. 050. 20 Other studies have looked at vitamin levels of food plants treated with certain pesticides. They showed that application of some pesticides would significantly lower the vitamin levels in the plants they were applied to. This is different than the notion that plants raised with chemicals are low in nutrients because the soil is used up. This shows that chemicals actually reduce the amount of nutrients in plants after application. The nutrients most often affected are vitamin C, beta carotene, and the B vitamins. These nutrients are vitally necessary for the body to withstand the onslaught of chemical toxins. When they studied organic food for mineral levels, the researchers also looked for the amount of the heavy metals aluminum, cadmium, lead and mercury. Aluminum has been implicated for years in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. It’s content in organic food averaged 40% less that in commercial foods. Lead toxicity, which has been in the new a lot lately, can adversely affect our children’s’ IQ. It averaged 29% lower in organic foods. Mercury, which can cause neurological damage, averaged 25% lower in organic foods. (Aldrich, P. 1) Besides the lower levels of heavy metals, there are the chemical residues themselves. The big question is whether or not the accumulation of pesticide residues in non-organic foods is a real health concern or not. Studies have never been able to conclusively show a direct correlation between residues in food and a decline of human health, but there are numerous problems in doing any such study. The first is that you would need a population of people who are free of chemical residues to compare to, and no one has been able to find a group. According to an constant EPA study of fat samples taken from surgeries and autopsies across the country, we are all loaded with chemical residues. Similar studies done on other countries all show the same results. (Baer, P. 1) The clearest studies that we have about pesticide residues and disease are those looking at breast cancer. In the last few years there have been a chain of studies, each building upon the other, looking at the level of ddt, dde, and pcb in women, They have shown that chemical residues in the serum and fat cells of women greatly increase the risk of breast cancer. Since breast cancer is a major killer of women in this country it is reasonable to say that avoidance of pesticide residues in food could save numerous lives and reduce our health care cost dramatically. After 50 years of â€Å"Better Living through Chemistry† scientists have finally shown that breast cancer is associated with pesticide residue, they have yet to prove that it causes numerous other maladies. I am not waiting for them to prove it before I change my eating habits. (Fisher, P. 12) As a clinician who sees numerous environmentally poisoned people with health problems, I am convinced of an association between chemicals and disease. The biggest source of exposure for many people is their workplace, then their homes, followed by air, food and water. Of these the easiest to control are our home environment and our diet. Eating organic food, drinking pure water, and watching our airborne chemical exposure can have profound effects on our health. My friend Steve, who has now gone through an extensive protocol to remove the pesticide residue from his body and had regained his health, will back me up on that. When he added up the costs of his illness in time off work and medical expenses, he found that eating organic food was much less expensive than eating non-organic foods. He is eating better foods now, and my organic garden continues to grow, along with my children. Conclusion The only real problem with organic grown foods is that they are more expensive, and this is because the growers of this produce experience more loss since they don’t use pesticides on their crops. As for the health benefits just think, you wouldn’t want to put any of these chemical pesticides straight into your body, but that is essentially what is happening when you consume these foods that have been sprayed with pesticides. Over a period of time these can cause harm, and this is why organic foods are so highly recommended for people trying becoming healthier. The organic industry has seen an explosion of growth in the past few years. In 1992, sales had already reached $1. 5 billion(Fisher, P. 16). Today the market is worth almost ten times that, and by 2009 it’s predicted the market will double again to be worth close to $32 billion. Consumer demand for natural, organic foods is booming and shows no signs of slowing down. Look for labels that say certified or authentic organic. Labels that say all natural or naturally grown are OK, but they are not the same as certified organic which demands the achievement of certain regulations. Producers and handlers must be certified by a USDA official certifying agent to sell, label, or represent their products as 100 percent organic or made with organic. References 1)Aldrich, Samuel R. â€Å"Which System Can Meet the Food Needs in Today’s World? † Conventional V. Organic Farming. 09 Dec. 2006 . 2)Baer, Firman E. â€Å"Firman E. Baer Report. † Orgnanic Vs. Inorganic. Rutgers University. 12 Dec. 2006 . 3)Fisher, Helen S. Food Safety. Detroit: Gale Group, 2004. 1-29. 4)Lexile. â€Å"Good Food? – Good Food? Ethical Food. † The Economist 9 Dec. 2006: 12. 5)†Wal-Mart Charged with Selling Nonorganic Food as Organic. † U. S. Newsire 14 Nov. 2006: 17-18. 6)Corbett, John R. The Biochemical Mode of Actions of Pesticides. New York: Academic P, 1974. 2-16. 7)Dunn-Georgiou, Elisha. Everything You Need to Know About Organic Foods. New York: Rosen Publications, 2002. 65-82. 8)Lipson, Elaine. The Organic Foods Sourcebook. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 2001. 15-42. 9)Rousseau, George S. Organic Form: TH Elife of an Idea.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Jainism vs. Sikhism Essay

Read the assigned chapters for the week and complete the following table. Be as specific as possible when identifying practices, beliefs, rituals, and historical elements. Cite sources in APA formatting. Core Beliefs Jainism Sikhism 1. Ahimsa – principle of noninjury 1. Naam Japna – remembering god through meditation 2. Sathya – truth 2. Kirat Karo – earning a honest living 3. Asteya – non stealing 3. Vand chakko – sharing income & resources. Selflessly serving others. 4. Brahmacharya – celibacy 5. Apigraha – non acquisition Part 2 Respond to the following questions in 150 to 200 words: 1 What do you think is the most important similarity and which is the most important difference? Use specifics to support your answer. Both faiths originated from the same part of the world. They are expected to be tolerant of all faiths and don’t believe that one path has the monopoly on the truth. Janism Sikhism – vegetarian because they belive believe it brings them closer to spirituality. – they have and order of monks and nuns – they practice the Caste system – polythetic religion – are not vegetarians they believe that eating meat doesn’t block your spirituality. – is bound to truth at all times and practices god conscience. – rejects the caste system and believes in gender equality. – monotheistic religion. Consider the following statement: Sallekhana (â€Å"holy death†) violates the Jain principle of ahimsa because it is an act of violence against oneself. Using examples from Ch. 5 of your text, what points might a follower of Jainism make to argue against this statement? Jains will prepare themselves after they have reached their virtue. They will walk into rivers, lakes, and oceans as well as starve themselves when they become elderly with the help of their families.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Central Conflict of the Scarlet Letter Arises from the Presentation of Different Ways of Seeing the Individual in Relation to Society Essays

Central Conflict of the Scarlet Letter Arises from the Presentation of Different Ways of Seeing the Individual in Relation to Society Essays Central Conflict of the Scarlet Letter Arises from the Presentation of Different Ways of Seeing the Individual in Relation to Society Essay Central Conflict of the Scarlet Letter Arises from the Presentation of Different Ways of Seeing the Individual in Relation to Society Essay Pearl? -Ruby, rather! or Coral! -or Red Rose'(101). Even though Mr.Wilson disapproves of Pearls attire, he still acknowledges her beauty by comparing her to beautiful things in nature. At the same, time, he shows his disapproval because he, like most Puritans, distrusts nature. Later on, Mr. Wilson asks Pearl if she knows who made her. She replies by saying that she had not been made at all but had been plucked by her mother off the bush of wild roses that [grows] by the prison-door(103). Pearls answer tells the reader that she understands both her physical beauty and her internal wildness because she compares herself to a wild rose.The answers creativity and unexpectedness also reveal Pearls unusual, whimsical character. At this point in the novel, the reader can already discern Pearls fundamental character traits. As Pearl grows older, her isolation from the Puritans leads her to spend more time with nature, and she continu es to remind Hester of her sin. When Hester goes to the seashore to talk to Chillingworth, she tells Pearl to go to the margin of the water and play with the shells and tangled sea- weed(154). In response, Pearl [flies] away like a bird(154) to the margin of the sea.Pearl is eager to play with nature. She has grown used to having nature as a playmate and finds playing with it enjoyable. Pearl builds boats out of birch-bark seize[s] a live horseshoe [crab] by the tail catches several five-fingers lays out a jelly-fish to melt in the warm sun(162), throws foam, and pelts sea-birds with pebbles. When Pearl thinks that she actually hit a bird, however, she feels remorse for having done harm to a little being that was as wild as herself(163).Another way that Hawthorne highlights the individual in relation to society is through the irony that while Hester lives shamed, and discriminated against, Dimmesdale, whose sin is equal, is â€Å"apotheosized with worshippers† and held in the highest regard. While Hester confesses to her sins on the scaffold, Hawthorne uses situational irony in this first scene to show that while Hester is confessing to her sins and is shunned by her entire community, the reader applauds her for having courage to stick to the path of confession and thus redemption but, yet, did not incriminate Dimmesdale in spite of being heavily pressured.Dimmesdale on other hand is revered by the congregation and they perceive him as flawless, while he is equally in the wrong. In fact, hes adding on to his sin because he actually has the moral obligation to be truthful and honest, and thus shows Dimmesdale in a shameful light, uncourageous and dishonorable. In contrast, Hawthorne is able to present Hester to us as a striking and outstanding figure who gains the respect of the audience, even though she is clearly represented as an individual outside of society.As a result, we can actually see that Hawthornes presentation of 17th century Boston, Massach usetts is dependent on the different perspectives people hold of the Hester, the individual in question. Hawthornes narrator gives the audience different perspectives by having his characters react to individuals (Hester and Pearl) in different manners- letting the audience decide who is worthy of praise as an individual and who isnt.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Summary and Analysis of David Mamets Play Oleanna

Summary and Analysis of David Mamets Play Oleanna Oleanna, a powerful two-character drama by David Mamet, explores the destructiveness of miscommunication and excessive political correctness. It is a play about academic politics, student/teacher relationships, and sexual harassment. Plot Overview Carol, a female college student, privately meets with her male professor. She is concerned about failing the class. She is frustrated because she doesn’t understand the professor’s overly verbose lectures. At first, the professor (John) is callous with her, but when she explains that she feels incompetent, he expresses empathy for her. He â€Å"likes her† so he bends the rules and decides to give her an â€Å"A† if she agrees to meet with him to discuss the material, one-on-one. Act One During most of Act One, the teacher is abrupt, interruptive, and distracted by continual phone calls about real estate problems. When the student does get a chance to speak, it is difficult for her to express herself clearly. Their conversation becomes personal and sometimes upsetting. He touches her shoulder on several occasions, urging her to sit down or to remain in the office. Finally, she is about to confess something deeply personal, but the phone rings yet again and she never discloses her secret. Act Two An unknown amount of time passes (probably a few days)  and John meets with Carol again. However, it is not to discuss education or philosophy. The student has written a formal complaint about the professor’s behavior. She feels that the instructor was lewd and sexist. Also, she claims that his physical contact was a form of sexual harassment. Interestingly, Carol is now very well spoken. She criticizes him with great clarity and mounting hostility. The teacher is astounded that his previous conversation was interpreted in such an offensive way. Despite John’s protests and explanations, Carol is unwilling to believe that his intentions were good. When she decides to leave, he holds her back. She becomes scared and rushes out the door, calling for help. Act Three During their final confrontation, the professor is packing up his office. He has been fired. Perhaps because he is a glutton for punishment, he invites the student back to make sense out of why she destroyed his career. Carol has now become even more powerful. She spends much of the scene pointing out her instructor’s many flaws. She declares she is not out for revenge; instead she has been prompted by â€Å"her group† to take these measures. When it is revealed that she has filed criminal charges of battery and attempted rape, things get really ugly! (But this article won’t spoil the ending for the reader.) Who Is Right? Who Is Wrong? The genius of this play is that it stimulates discussion, even arguments. Is the professor attracted to her in Act One?Does he behave inappropriately?Does he deserve to be denied tenure?What are her motives?Is she doing this simply out of spite?Is she right to claim her professor is sexist? Or is she merely over-reacting? That’s the fun of this drama; it all about the perspective of each audience member. Ultimately, both characters are deeply flawed. Throughout the play, they rarely agree or understand each other. Carol, the Student Mamet designed her character so that most of the audience will ultimately loath Carol by Act Two. The fact that she interprets his touch on the shoulder as sexual assault shows that Carol may have some issues that she does not reveal. In the final scene, she tells the professor not to call his wife â€Å"Baby.† This is Mamet’s way of showing that Carol has truly crossed a line, prompting the enraged professor to cross a line of his own. John, the Teacher John may have good intentions in Act One. However, he doesn’t seem to be a very good or wise instructor. He spends most of his time waxing eloquently about himself and very little time actually listening. He does flaunt his academic power, and he does unintentionally demean Carol by shouting, â€Å"Sit down!† and by physically trying to urge her to stay and finish their conversation. He doesn’t realize his own capacity for aggression until it is too late. Still, many audience members believe that he is completely innocent of the charges of sexual harassment and attempted rape. Ultimately, the student possesses an underlying deviousness. The teacher, on the other hand, is overtly pompous and foolish. Together they make a very dangerous combination.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Racial Identity and Racial Identifications Essay

Racial Identity and Racial Identifications - Essay Example The two classification methods often cause confusion when it comes to racial identity. Some people may identify themselves with a given race based on its cultures. However, this identification may be very different from the color of their skin. In fact, they may call themselves black but phenotypically they are white in color. Misunderstandings and confusions on whether to identify one’s race using external or internal characteristics have led to the aspect of racial identity being simplified and distorted by some people (Maureen) Simplification, in this case, is whereby an individual tries to define racial identity based on either external or internal characteristics alone. However, the definition fails to describe racial identity as a complex aspect of human nature may be affected by other factors. Many people would simply define racial identity as to refer to skin color while other would prefer to follow cultures. Others would even be distorted by the racial identity thing. ‘Distorted’ in this case meaning these people are mixed up and misunderstand the racial identity issue. ... This is a small boy who is trying to identify himself with a certain race. The boy is black in color but the fact that he described himself as black and white highlights the fact that the boy uses both internal and external characteristics of his racial identity. According to the author, the boy has both African and Irish roots. The author tries to convince the boy that he is black because of his skin color, but the boy insists that he is black and white. This shows how the writer simplifies the racial identity issue. Distortion comes in from the point of view of two different people that have different ways of defining racial identity. We are, therefore, not in a position to decide which of the two methods is best. Senna Describes herself as black in color but with parents from different races. The author writes of having a wasp mother and a black-Mexican father. She also describes herself as a black woman thereby introducing the use of external phenotypic characteristics to describ e racial identity. Her parents decided to raise her and her other siblings as black. This was not based on their skin color but their own choice. It was some sought of culture that believed that being black was a privilege and that black was beautiful too (Senna). In this case, there is the use of both external and internal characteristics for racial identity. These parents decided to raise their kids as black is a way of teaching the kids that black can be a culture. Therefore, the kids can racially identify themselves as black not only by the color of their skins but also by the type of culture they decide to embrace. This can be a simplified way of racial identification. However, it can be very hard to adopt for extremists who use color for racial identification.  

Friday, November 1, 2019

East Asia in the Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

East Asia in the Modern World - Essay Example Chinese students staged a demonstration in Tiananmen Square protesting the terms of the Versailles Treaty, which confirmed Japan’s claims on Chinese land previously occupied by Germany. The students were imbued with Western ideas of equality; democracy, individual freedom, and the Wilsonian claim that all nations have the right to self-determination. Similarly, the young Koreans protested the terms of the Versailles Treaty and demanded freedom from Japanese colonization. It is clear that Versailles treaty was a major trigger of both movements. The fact leaders of both movements were taught abroad is quite significant. A major difference between the two movements was how the movements were undertaken. In china, students from Beijing congregated around Tiananmen Square to demonstrate against the Versailles Conference. The students gave out fliers announcing China would reject the surrender of Chinese land to Japan. In Korea, the protestors majorly compromised of students, homemakers, farmers i.e. ordinary people in society, as well as politicians and religious leaders. The protests intent was to petition to the Japanese people, and these protests erupted randomly throughout the entire country.   In conclusion, the trigger for both movements might have been the Versailles Treaty but the goals were different. China wanted to retain its territory while the Koreans wanted withdrawal of Japan from its